
Giuseppe De’Longhi – Billionaire

Giuseppe De’Longhi (born 24 April 1939) is an Italian billionaire businessman, president of De’Longhi.

Early life

He was born in Treviso, Italy on 24 April 1939.

He graduated from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.


As of August 2015, he had a net worth estimated by Forbes at $3.6 billion.

Personal life

He is married with two children and lives in Treviso, Italy. His son, Fabio De’Longhi, is CEO of De’Longhi



What is dictionary ? dictionary is a listing of lexemes from the lexicon of one or more specific languages, often arranged alphabetically (or by consonantal root for Semitic languages or radical and stroke for logographic languages), which may include information on definitions, usage, etymologies, pronunciations, translation, etc. It is a lexicographical reference that shows inter-relationships among the data.