
Kidney beans | Healthiest Foods

The kidney bean is a variety of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). It is named for its visual resemblance in shape and colour to a kidney. Red kidney beans should not be confused with other red beans, such as adzuki beans,More info:wiki

Below are photos and Images you may like:

#10    Red kidney beans,More info:limsakdakul

These beans are listed in 31 healthiest food of all time in TIME magazine; this could help to confirm how good is this product. They are contains full of soluble and insoluble fiber; as such potassium and magnesium to control your blood pressure, magnesium and folate will help to reduce your heart attack risk. Soluble fiber helps stabilize blood sugar level and provide slow-burning energy, good for people who have diabetes. This is far from all that red kidney beans can offer because they are also high in minerals and low in cholesterol, iron will help to give energy and can substitute iron from meat product; vitamin B1 will help your brain in memory function.

Our red kidney beans are plants in north of Thailand in area that are low temperature thus quality of red kidney beans will be fine and reddish color. Production is around 1000-2000MTS per year, harvest time in October-January, we brought red kidney beans from suppliers in planting area and process in cleaning, gravity sizing and color sorting in our own factory. Qualities of products are kept in check to ensure that we will give goods with quality to match our customer demand.

#9    Simple, Colorful Kidney Bean Side Salad,More info:chefsteps

Our foolproof formula for winning weeknight meals: make fish, chicken, pork, or beef sous vide, and while your meat gently cooks to perfectionyou can whip up a vegetable purée and a simple salad. The whole thing adds up to a no-fuss, family-friendly meal that’s healthy, wholesome, and utterly satisfying.
One of our favorite salads to work into the mix: this kidney bean concoction. Bright, with lots of great textures and sharp, clear flavors, this is a side dish we turn to all the time. Don’t feel funny about using canned beans; the fresh parsley and onion work overtime to make the whole shebang feel fresh and super special. Then again, if you prefer to use fresh beans, you can totally do that too. Just cook ahead of time as you usually would, then chill in the fridge before serving. Whichever way you go, we think this salad is bound to become a stress-free staple you will return to on the weekly.

#8   Moroccan Kidney Bean & Chickpea Salad,More info:eatingwell


#7   red kidney bean curry,More info:smittenkitchen

I have a confession to make: For years, I have been cooking a dish that I love very very much but I haven’t told you about it because it comes from two words that I cannot bring myself to publicly own up to.* Especially on a site where if you suggested I use one, I’d suggest you haven’t been paying attention.

It’s a box mix, people. And it makes the most fantastic rajmah, or kidney bean curry. Wait! Let me explain. Long before I had cooked a single Indian dish, I was overwhelmed at the thought of it. I didn’t have the spices. I didn’t know which spices I’d want. I was sure I’d use them all wrong. There’s like an art and a science to this and I am a dilettante in the world of Indian cooking.

#6    Chicken with red kidney beans,More info:bbc


#5     Kashmiri Rajma | Creamy Kidney Beans,More info:lovelaughmirch


#4    Spicy steak tacos with smashed kidney beans,More info:taste


#3    Beef & Kidney Bean Chili,More info:rachaelraymag

#2   Simple Beef Chili with Kidney Beans,More info:cooksillustrated


#1    Steak, corn & red bean salad,More info:taste


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