

Flies are insects with a pair of functional wings for flight and a pair of vestigial hindwings called halteres for balance. They are classified as an order called Diptera, that name being derived from the Greek δι- di- “two”, and πτερόν pteron “wings”. The order Diptera is divided into two suborders (although one suborder is non-monophyletic), with about 110 families divided between them; the families contain an estimated 1,000,000 species, including the familiar housefly, horse-fly, crane fly, and hoverfly; although only about 125,000 species have a species description published.The earliest fly fossils found so far are from the Triassic, about 240 million years ago; phylogenetic analysis suggests that flies originated in the Permian, about 260 million years ago,More info:wiki

Below are photos and Images you may like:

#10    Housefly,More info:wikipedia


#9   fly,More info: animalplanetsthemostextreme.wikia

Flies are on 3 different episodes, and are #1 on Gross Outs, #9 on Cleaners and #5 on Dirty Jobs. They have to throw up on whatever they eat in order to digest the food. They also lay their eggs in dead flesh. A maggot can strip a carcass in days. Maggots are also used to treat people in hospitals. They sterilize the maggots with antibiotics. Since they only eat dead tissue, they help healing wounds. They are armed with hooks in their mouths and their spit contains tissues that turn dead tissue into a soup. Flies also clean themselves by rubbing their body with their legs. Since they taste with their toes, they don’t want the remains of their lunch clinging to their feet. Their eyes also have no lids, so flies are constantly rubbing them to keep them clean.

#8   How flies are flirting on the fly,More info:blogs.biomedcentral


#7     A HORSE FLY BITE DANGEROUS?,More info:terminix

There aren’t a whole lot of things more irritating than a fly buzzing in your ear. That is, of course, unless that fly is a biting fly. While most of the flies human beings commonly encounter do not bite, some can, including the horse fly.

#6   The humble fly carries even more diseases than we thought, new study shows,More info:zmescience

We all know that flies are nasty and annoying, but most people just brush them off. Well, we might want to be more careful with them, as a new study shows that the two most common fly species can harbor more than 600 different bacteria.

Bacteria shuttles

Most people are aware that flies can carry dangerous pathogens, but few people are aware of the extent of that danger. To shed some light on said pathogens, researchers used DNA sequencing techniques to study the collection of microbes found in and on the bodies of the house fly (Musca domestica) and the blowfly (Chrysomya megacephala). In total, they analyzed DNA found on 116 flies from three different continents. They found that the house fly, which is virtually ubiquitously in the world, can carry up to 351 types of bacteria, while the blowfly, limited to the warmer parts of the world, carried 316. All analyzed individuals carried a large number of pathogens.

#5   We’re not the only ones enjoying sex – flies could be having a great time too,More info:ibtimes


#4   When It’s not a House Fly, It May Be a Cluster Fly,More info:thespruce


#3   Fly,More info:blazingcariboustudios


#2   Green bottle fly,More info:wikipedia


#1   Deer fly,More info:wikipedia


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