Basic foods | Healthiest Foods
Basic foods include Legumes, Edible plants, Edible fungi, Edible nuts and seeds, Baked goods, Breads, Dairy products, Eggs, Meat, Cereals Seafood and Staple foods.More info: wiki
Below are photos and Images you may like:
#10 Vegetables:70 Percent of Fruit and Vegetables in the U.S. Contain Pesticide Residue, Says Report, source:kqed
Even after being carefully washed or peeled, nearly 70 percent of fruit and vegetables sold in the U.S. contained pesticide residues, according to a review of recent tests conducted by the Department of Agriculture.
“It is vitally important that everyone eats plenty of produce, but it is also wise to avoid dietary exposure to toxic pesticides, from conception through childhood,” said Sonya Lunder, senior analyst with nonprofit Environmental Working Group, which conducted the analysis.
The reviewed data revealed a total of 230 pesticides and pesticide breakdown products in thousands of crops that were sampled.
Among the report’s key findings: more than one-third of strawberry samples analyzed in 2016 contained 10 or more pesticide residues. More than 98 percent of apples, cherries, nectarines, peaches, potatoes, and strawberries tested positive for at least one pesticide residue.
Spinach had almost twice as much pesticide residue by weight compared to other crops.
#9 Edible fungi:FREE STOCK PHOTO 8443 VARIETY OF FRESH EDIBLE FUNGI, source:freeimageslive
#8 Edible nuts and seeds:Edible Nuts and Seeds, source:cocosbread
#6 Dairy products:Dairy products collection, source:dreamstime
#5 UPDATE: Cage-Free Egg Recall Linked to Salmonella Outbreak Across Six States, source:cookinglight
#4 Meat:Answer Man: OK to handle raw meat without gloves? Does Ingles sell ‘Top Tier’ gas?, source:citizen-times
#3 SEAFOOD: SEAFOOD-BUFFET-PROMOTION3:source:pullmanbangkokkingpower
#2 Cereals:I’m a Brit who just tried American kids’ breakfast cereals for the first time ever — here’s the verdict, source:businessinsider
#1 Staple foods:Staple food, source:wikipedia
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