Salmon is the common name for several species of ray-finned fish in the family Salmonidae. Other fish in the same family include trout, char, grayling and whitefish. Salmon are native to tributaries of the North Atlantic (genus Salmo) and Pacific Ocean (genus Oncorhynchus). Many species of salmon have been introduced into non-native environments such as the Great Lakes of North America and Patagonia in South America. Salmon are intensively farmed in many parts of the world,More info:wiki
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#10 Atlantic salmon,More info:wikipedia
The Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is a species of ray-finned fish in the family Salmonidae. It is the 3rd largest of the Salmonidae and can grow up to a meter in length. Siberian Taimen, and Pacific Chinook Salmon can be larger, with Taimen reportedly able to grow to 6 ft long. It is found in the northern Atlantic Ocean and in rivers that flow into this ocean. Most populations of this fish species are anadromous, hatching in streams and rivers but moving out to sea as they grow where they mature, after which the adult fish seasonally move upstream again to spawn.
#9 Atlantic salmon,More info:leroyseafood
Salmon is nutritionally an excellent product. Salmon have a natural high content of protein and contains a lot of the healthy polyunsaturated fatty acids. Therefore also high in Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) and rich in the fat soluble Vitamin D. Salmon is also a good source of the minerals iodine and selenium.
#8 Tasmanian Salmon,More info:manettas
Tasmanian Salmon showcases all that is right with seafood- a spectacular beautiful silvery skin, a pink to red coloured meat and rich in omega-3 nutritional fish oils. How to cook salmon? Bake whole salmon, BBQ, or simply steam the firm textured fish and let out the mild flavours. Salmon is by far one of Australia’s favourite fish to serve up due to its quality
#7 Pacific Salmon Foundation recommends removing open-net pen fish farms,More info:mypowellrivernow
VANCOUVER ISLAND, B.C- The Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF) officially recommended that BC and Canada remove open-net pen fish farms and work towards implementing closed-containment salmon aquaculture.
Closed containment is a barrier technology that aims at restricting interactions between farmed and wild fish.
The PSF released the statement on their website on detailing this position on May 9th.
The recommendation comes in the wake of a research report released earlier in the week which says that Piscine orthoreovirus (PRV), a virus present in many farmed salmon, may cause disease in BC’s Chinook salmon.
According to the study, their findings add to the existing concerns about the potential impacts of open net salmon farming on wild Pacific salmon off the coast of BC.
#6 Salmon are showing up in the Arctic in record numbers,More info:thenarwhal
Salmon used to be infrequent visitors to the Mackenzie River and communities of the Arctic, but more species have begun to show up in the North more often and in greater numbers than ever before.
“They’re indicating change,” says Karen Dunmall, a research scientist with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans who is overseeing the Arctic Salmon project.
The climate change they’re indicating is affecting the Arctic more potently and quickly than anywhere else. It’s manifesting in thinner ice that forms later and breaks up earlier, warmer rivers, milder winters, longer summers and changes in wildlife and vegetation across the Arctic.
#5 Something Fishy: The Trouble with Atlantic Salmon in the Pacific Northwest,More info:nrdc
The marine equivalent of a mass jailbreak took place on August 20. Hundreds of thousands of Washington State–farmed Atlantic salmon were accidentally released into the Salish Sea after their underwater net pens collapsed at a salmon farm near Cypress Island. The potential victims: local wild fish, many of them endangered or threatened, which will now face increased competition for food and habitat. The Lummi Nation Indian tribe quickly declared a state of emergency, writing in an official statement, “The Atlantic salmon spill has the potential to devastate native salmon stocks critical to the culture and the economy of the Lummi Nation.”
#3 How to catch clean and cook salmon – salmon bait, rigs, tips and techniques,More info:Catfish and Carp
#2 Pink Salmon,More info:wildalaskaseafood
#1 Canadians ate 4.5 tonnes of unlabelled GM salmon without knowing it this past year,More info:macleans
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